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Spiral Crystal Grid - The Grove

Spiral Crystal Grid - The Grove



The Grove / Koad crystal grid consists of 21 different small stones:


Smokey Quartz

Red Hematite included Quartz

Smokey amethyst (Shangaan)

Red Calcite




Devil’s Dice (Limonite after Pyrite)


Chlorite included Quartz



Green Fluorite



Chevron Amethyst

Brandberg Amethyst Quartz

Spirit Quartz Amethyst

Clear Quartz cluster (Zambia)

Spirit Quartz point (white)

Information leaflet

Meditation suggestion

This spiral crystal grid was born from being drawn to create a grid for the winter solstice. It took a while to establish the final idea. My intuition was steering me away from a formal structure of numbers, points and boundaries. The crystal grid wanted to be something else…more playful, more free flowing! It wanted to be more than solely a winter solstice grid. It was more about the wheel of the year, and the path of life’s journey, spiritual growth and evolution.

And this is what grew from that thought seed… A spiral of small crystals evolving from the centre outwards created with chakra related stones, starting with the earthy stones, moving into fire, water and air. I intended to create it flowing outwards clockwise, but it decided to go counter clockwise. There is no rule about which way the spiral flows, it can be either.

Together the spiral and the chakra stone layout create two dimensions to the grid… And then came the third dimension when I was drawn to pull a card from my Celtic Tree Oracle pack, and the Grove / Koad card popped up! Hence the name of the grid.

The Grove in Celtic Druidism was a sacred place in the woods where rituals took place. The Grove card represents ‘all knowledge, a sacred place where all is linked and becomes clear…the Grove gathers together for your journey all the knowledge hidden in the trees.’ (Liz & Colin Murray)

What an ideal ‘place’ to visit for a meditation and guidance!

The spiral formation represents spiritual growth and development, intuition and wisdom, expansion, journey and evolution. It is also associated with kundalini energies, and awakening.

The Grove crystal grid has beautiful free flowing gentle energies, and can be helpful at any time. It can be used for meditation, contemplation, chakra cleanse, spiritual cleanse, spiritual development, a ‘place’ to connect to elemental energies, tree energies and spirit energies. It can also be used for guidance and knowledge.


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